Crime Prevention Unit
HUDPS Crime Prevention Outreach
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) Crime Prevention Outreach is a program that provides dissemination of crime prevention pamphlets and other literature to students at safety campaigns. These sessions are held during spring and fall registration and orientation periods, including seminars that are held in residence halls and dormitories, on a continuous basis.
Crime prevention tips are used to alert the University community about current and ongoing crime trends, warn them of criminal activity, and solicit their help in preventing and crime-solving.
DPS organizes crime prevention groups on campus and meets regularly with them to solicit their input. All crime prevention and community programs are evaluated annually to ensure they are effective and to determine whether or not they should be continued.
Contact Info
Joyce Brooks
Crime Prevention Specialist
Phone: (202) 806-1194
2244 10th Street, NW, Suite 266
Washington, D.C. 20059
The Crime Prevention Unit also offers the following services:
• Fingerprinting
• Engraving
• Self Defense Classes
• Annual Safety Fair