Campus Security Authorities Role and Responsibilities
Howard University is required to disclose “statistics concerning the occurrence of certain
criminal offenses reported to local law enforcement agencies or any official of the institution
who is defined as a ‘Campus Security Authority.’
Major sources for this information are:
• Police reports from the Howard University Department of Public Safety, as well as local
law enforcement agencies.
• Individuals other than the Howard University Department of Public Safety to whom
students might report certain crimes or incidents are designated as (CSA’s) Campus
Security Authorities.
The Clery Center Campus Security Authority video
Responsibility of Campus Security Authority (CSA)
A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is a Howard University faculty or staff who have the
responsibility under the Clery Act law to report Clery crimes or offenses. The official definition
is: an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus
activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial
proceedings. If the HU faculty or staff has significant responsibility for student and campus
activities, he or she considered a campus security authority.
Clery Act regulations define "Campus Security Authorities" as:
1.) An institution’s campus police or security department
2.) Other individuals with security responsibilities, like those monitoring access to campus
property such as: athletic venues, parking lots and residence halls
3.) Individuals or organizations designated in the institution’s security policy as those to
whom students and employees should report crimes
4.) Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, such as student
housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings
Who are Campus Security Authorities (CSA’s):
• Campus Police or Security Officers
• Dean of Students
• Director of Campus Health or Counseling Center
• Victim Advocates
• Member of Sexual Assault Response Team
• Director of Athletics
• All Athletic Coaches and Assistants
• Faculty Advisor to a Student Group
• Resident Life - Student Resident Advisor or Assistant
• Student who monitors access to dormitories or buildings that are owned by recognized
student organization
• Greek Affairs Coordinators
• Title IX Coordinators
• Ombudsperson
• Employee Relations
CSA’s are responsible for reporting crimes and other incidents to the Clery Act Compliance
Officer for inclusion in the Annual Campus Security Report. CSA’s do not conduct investigations
and they are not required to verify incidents. As a CSA at Howard University we ask that you
immediately report all Clery crimes to ensure they are properly evaluated to determine
whether or not there is an ongoing threat to the Howard University campus community.
Collecting and Submitting CSA data
To assist with the data collection, the Clery Act Compliance Officer sends an email to all HU
faculty and staff who have been identified as CSA’s requesting that they report incidents NOT
report to the Howard University Department of Public Safety. Many students prefer to speak
with CSA’s and may report a crime or incident to them with the desire to keep the incident
confidential. CSA’s are not required to disclose the student’s name; however, when available
the CSA is asked to provide some identifying information to avoid the incident being double reported.
If a Howard University student has reported a crime or incident to a CSA, the CSA should make the Clery Act Compliance Officer aware.
Questions about Clery Crime reporting:
If you have any questions about whether a crime should be reported, please email the Clery Act
Compliance Officer and note your question. We will make the final determination of whether
the crime will be included in the Annual Security Report.
Please contact Clery Act Compliance and Accreditation Manager, Akilah Adams 202.806.1132 or
email at if you have any questions or need clarification about any
aspect of Campus Security Authority reporting.
Howard University Clery Act Disclosure Policy
Policy Number: 200-004: Administration, Facilities and Public Safety
(Revised on August 1, 2018)